
Leaving the Comfort-Zone

“Leaving the comfort zone” became an essential motto in my life, since I’ve recognized that this motto can really push me forward. Mainly it means to fight your fears.
There are many situations in which we act like we had no choice, blaming it all on certain circumstances – like I already mentioned in “Candy shop”. And in some situations we know that we have the choice, but for us it’s crystal clear that we “would never ever do that, no matter what… ”. In these kinds of moments I learned to ask myself a simple question: “why?”

When I was younger I used to think that I would never ever ride a rollercoaster let alone do parachuting - BUT in 2004 there was a moment in a theme park when I got over this. I asked myself why I was afraid and had no other answer than “well…. because I AM afraid!”
So I rode the first one and within a day I also rode all other roller coasters of the entire theme park. Adrenaline pushed me forward and the day ended with a ride on the highest and fastest rollercoaster of all– front row, having more fun than ever.

Since that day, roller coasters have never been a problem for me again. In September I finally went parachuting and it has been absolutely awesome as well!

I can only recommend getting over personal fears that have no reasonable cause. And this is not only about these adrenaline-related things:
For example I actually have never been to the opera. I have never thought about the “why”. Maybe I thought that I wouldn’t like it, but how should I really know? I think it always had been the fear of doing something you have no clue about. Anyway – in December I’m going to leave the comfort zone again – and go to the opera for the very first time.

Leaving the comfort zone can mean so many different things – depending on your personal comfort zone: performing a song on a karaoke party, wearing a short skirt or asking your boss about a salary increase (please don’t combine the last two ideas :-) ). Start with small things.
Ever when you find yourself thinking “it’s cool that ‘somebody’ is doing ‘something’, but I would never ever…” – raise the huge “STOP”-sign, and start leaving your comfort zone!


Elvin said...

Nice article! :) What if you have a reason behind a fear, but this reason is not assured? E.g. I afraid to ride roller coasters because I worry for safety and my health. I do not fully trust those constructions after a couple of news about accidents and a couple of chats with construction works engineers... I am also scared what if I have high blood pressure so that it harms me, though I don't know if I will. Being a child, I used to use them - I hadn't heard news, hadn't met those engineers yet and for sure didn't care about health. So is it them wisdom which came with age or comfort zone?..

Impressive Moments said...

Do you fear crossing the streets in Kiev? How often have you heard about accidents with cars? :)
How many people died in a roller coaster (by an accident or by high blood pressure, it doesn't matter) and how many people have died while they lived their normal daily lifes?
So you have the choice :)

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