
Instinctive decisions

The biggest instinctive decision I've ever made was risking to leave my job in order to start my studies. Last summer I took this huge step which was going to change nearly my whole life.

My job in a big enterprise was a good one. Nice colleagues and bosses, interesting possibilities for developing myself. Good salary, convenient conditions, business trips to great places - just everything many people in the world are dreaming of.
And still I felt that I wouldn't be happy in that job for decades. I felt that there was more...
I made my decision to apply for a place at university within 3 days. And I applied for only one single bachelor program at only one university. Major: Sciences of communication, Minor: Psychology.
I wasn't even thinking about what to do if I would be rejected. Somehow I knew that I would start my studies that year. And I did. I received the letter of acceptance and informed my boss about my plans right on the next day.

And I received much more support than I could have ever expected before. I was offered to keep my job as a part-time job, for which I'm still grateful.
I was able to start my studies and I only had to compromise a bit. I sold my car and I started sharing a flat. I was asked by many people how I could do that - giving up my standard of living and bothering myself with the studies and my part time job.

How do you rank an own car and a nice flat compared to self-fulfillment and realization of your dreams?

I've ever been happy about my decision since I started last October. I've not even felt remorseful for a single day.

The dots connected...


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