
Inspiring commencement speech of Steve Jobs

That good chats are absolutely able to broaden one's horizon, is a fact I experienced already a few times before. One of these chats was a few weeks ago with a friend of mine. We talked about this and that, horizons and inspirations and he recommended me the commencement speech held by Steve Jobs in Stanford 2005.

When I came home, I watched the video on youtube. Once... and again... and again...

A few minutes later I pinned two quotes on my closet, where I collect everything that gives me some inspiration.

... and if you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle!

This quote really stuck to my mind, as I understood last year that this was exactly what I had to do. It might be exhausting and for sure it's not the easiest way to go. However it's most probably the way that leads to the bigger fortune - at least for me it is.

Have you already made instinctive decisions, that didn't make any sense to anyone else? Decisions that you didn't doubt though, because you just had the feeling that this is what to do? Steve Jobs hit the nail on the head with the second quote.

Believing that the dots will connect down the road, will give you the confidence to follow your heart.


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