

It was a coach for rhetorical skills, who told me once: “There will be people in your life, appearing very unexpectedly, who will give you the feeling that they can help you.” What he wanted to say was to not let these people go.
He was right. I already experienced this a few times. My rhetoric trainer himself was one of these mentioned persons. Some of his opinions and stories just broadened my horizon.
It’s not that these persons are there to tell you what to do, but to inspire you. Ever since the trainer told me about this kind of “mentors”, I started noticing them consciously. It doesn’t matter if these persons are professors, friends, trainers, teachers, sports coaches or just strangers that you meet one evening in a bar. Just start to notice them, search for the inspiration that they can give you and do not let them go without having received the answers to your questions.
Being aware of this, you will not only be able to search for more inspiration, but you will also feel that to someone you are not the mentee, but the mentor. Being the mentor can be very inspiring as well, because you have to become conscious of your opinions and your thoughts. This is when you recognize that you know more than you think you do.
So open your eyes and recognize all the mentors and mentees who will come across your way.


Sakura – do you know, what’s the meaning of this word?
It’s the Japanese translation of cherry blossom and it’s as well a time of celebrations in spring. It’s when cherry trees are blooming all over Japan and a whole nation is singing, celebrating and enjoying life.

The cherry blossom is a symbol for beauty, dawn and impermanence. What seems pretty wise about the Sakura celebrations to me, is the attitude that’s connected with it: First waiting and looking forward to it, enjoying the Sakura when it’s present and finally letting it go and keeping all the good memories when it’s over again.

I feel like many people are living their lives differently and do not understand this attitude.
Let me give you an example: this year, we experienced a really rainy and cold start of the summer in Germany. We had weeks full of clouds and cold rain. Last weekend the bad weather period finally came to an end. The sun was shining and it was perfectly warm again. Nevertheless I still heard so many people discussing when it was going to rain again and how bad the summer would become this year.
Isn't it just as if one squanders times of prosperity on thoughts of their fading?

Did it already happen to you?

On the next sunny summer day, let us be the ones lying in the grass, feeling the sun on our skin, enjoying the Sakura of the moment and reminding us of the Japanese cherry blossom mantra.

Instinctive decisions

The biggest instinctive decision I've ever made was risking to leave my job in order to start my studies. Last summer I took this huge step which was going to change nearly my whole life.

My job in a big enterprise was a good one. Nice colleagues and bosses, interesting possibilities for developing myself. Good salary, convenient conditions, business trips to great places - just everything many people in the world are dreaming of.
And still I felt that I wouldn't be happy in that job for decades. I felt that there was more...
I made my decision to apply for a place at university within 3 days. And I applied for only one single bachelor program at only one university. Major: Sciences of communication, Minor: Psychology.
I wasn't even thinking about what to do if I would be rejected. Somehow I knew that I would start my studies that year. And I did. I received the letter of acceptance and informed my boss about my plans right on the next day.

And I received much more support than I could have ever expected before. I was offered to keep my job as a part-time job, for which I'm still grateful.
I was able to start my studies and I only had to compromise a bit. I sold my car and I started sharing a flat. I was asked by many people how I could do that - giving up my standard of living and bothering myself with the studies and my part time job.

How do you rank an own car and a nice flat compared to self-fulfillment and realization of your dreams?

I've ever been happy about my decision since I started last October. I've not even felt remorseful for a single day.

The dots connected...